Friday, September 3, 2010

Make-Me: The Emergence of Butch-Craft in Contemporary Design

from Core77 -- contemporary craft exhibited at Moss in NYC

Oscar Magnus Narud's Keel collection: tables in rough wood and iron.

Make-Me is an upcoming exhibition at Moss, running from September 15th through November 14th, that brings together an set of artists and designers producing what Moss has coined 'Butch-Craft.' Maybe there is no better way to describe this than the words they use themselves: 'a cerebral yet virile narrative applied to rough work crafted in wood, iron, steel, marble, rush, paint, boiled leather, clay, baked agricultural waste, plant-life, gypsum drywall, and blood, sweat and tears.'


1 comment:

  1. I like these designs. I can see beyond the boldness of style. The didactic inspirations behind these eccentric designs appeal to me with honesty and integrity; when I regard the clarical ruggedness and the articulation of formality and structural truth. It is important when you design an article that it be both scheduled and purpose-built. I'm going to hazard a guess and say whoever designed this is Dutch! Their design culture has a brute method that will withstand alot of wear and I notice it in their demographic.
